What is industrial training ?
Industrial training is introduced to all diploma programmers for developing the traits of industry culture among the students before they enter into industry.
By interacting with the real life industrial setting. students will appreciated and understand the actual working of the industry, best practices adopted by the industries.
The industrial skills soft skills,life skills and hands on will be inculcated among the students.
when this training is expected :
expected after 4th sem exam (6 weeks before commencement of fifth sem )
Duration of training : 6 weeks
What competencies developed by this industrial Training?
By doing this training ,some competencies will be developed
a) Soft Skill b)Life skills c) Hand on
d) Industry specific tools : like Value engineering, six sigma, lean manufacturing.
what students will be able to do after completion of this training?
- Communicate effectively the work carried out
- prepare and present the report of the work carried out
- exercise time management and safety in the work environment
- working in a team
- Demonstrate various quality assurance
- exhibit the work carried out
Assessment scheme of industrial training:
Progressive assessment : #75 Marks ( based on weekly report of all 6 weeks and attendance) #this assessment done by Mentor and concern industry supervisor.
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End semester assessment : **75 Marks ( Report. presentation and viva)
** This will be assessed by mentor (internal staff) and external examiner ( Industry expert)
based on report : 25 maks ,
presentation : 25 Marks
Viva : 25 Marks
Total Marks : Maximum 150 Marks . Min passing marks : 60 Marks
Marks for ESE of Industrial training
Marks for Industrial training report : 25 Marks Marks for seminar/presentation: 25 Marks
Marks for Oral/viva-voce : 25 Marks
Total ESE marks : 75 Marks
How to prepare a Industrial training Report ?
•The training report may contain the following
•Title page ,
•Content Page
Chapter I. Organizational structure of Industry / Organization and
General Lay Out.
•Chapter 2.Introduction of Industry /
Organization (Type of products and services, history, turn over and
number of employees etc.)
•Chapter 3.Types of major equipment/instruments/
machines used in industry with their specification, approximate cost
and specific use and their routine maintenance.
•Chapter 4.Manufacturing Processes along
with production planning and control methods.
•Chapter 5.Testing of raw materials,
components and finished products along with quality assurance procedures.
•Chapter6. Major material handling
product (lifts, cranes, slings, pulleys, jacks, conveyor belts
etc.) and material handling procedures.
•Chapter 7.Safety procedures followed
and safety gear used (includes Preventive maintenance schedule and
breakdown maintenance procedures).
•Chapter 8.Particulars of Practical
Experiences in Industry / Organisation if any in
Production/ Assembly/ Testing/Maintenance.
•Chapter 9.Short report/description of
the project (if any done during the training)
•Chapter 10. Special/challenging
experiences encountered during training
What should be the size of training report ?
•-The size of the report may be about min. 20 pages.
Editing for all the pages should be in the following manner:-
Main title/chapter name (Introduction)
-Times new roman 16, bold.
Sub title-
-Times new roman 14, bold.
Sub sub title-
-Times new roman 14.
-Times new roman 12
Figure /labeling to fig./table/index-
-Times new roman 12, bold.
Line spacing - 1.5 only
Labeling to Table must be on the topside only.(Above the Table)
Labeling to figure must be on the Bottom side only (Below the
Page Setup (Page A4)
Top – 1”
Left -1.5”
Right & Bottom – 1”
Gutter – 0.6”
Footer – Page no. – Center alignment (0.25” for both header &
Don’t apply any type of Border or Page Border for any page.
Don’t add any page (blank or Title of Chapter) between two
Index, List of figures & List of Tables must be justified.
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